How do you install JDocFilter?

First thing to understand is that JDocFilter does not require any application or tool to work. The installation porcess will just help you take a standard Javadoc directory that includes all the Javadoc pages, and integrate JDocFilter with it.

The installation process requires a JRE (version 1.4 and above), but after the installation porcess no runtime is used, so users do not require the presence of a JRE (even though they probably have one...).

Three installation options are available:

1. Using the supplied script to install / uninstall

In the download package a short script named filterInstall.bat / is available.

Install example :

>filterInstall c:\javadoc_dir

Uninstall example:

>filterInstall -u c:\javadoc_dir

Where c:\javadoc_dir is the directory of your Javadoc (this is the one with the index.html in it).

2. Using ANT tasks

Installing using the supplied ANT tasks is a good way to integrate JDocFilter with your build scripts, right after you use the javadoc task to create the documentation.

ANT script example (install and uninstall):

<taskdef name="filterInstaller" classname="org.jdocfilter.tasks.FilterInstallerTask" classpath="jdocfilter.jar" /> <taskdef name="filterUninstaller" classname="org.jdocfilter.tasks.FilterUninstallerTask" classpath="jdocfilter.jar" /> <target name="installFilter"> <filterInstaller docdir="c:/javadoc_dir"/> </target> <target name="uninstallFilter"> <filterUninstaller docdir="c:/javadoc_dir"/> </target>

3. Manual installation

If you want to manually install JDocFilter for some reason, this is what you need to do:

  1. Extract the 3 HTML files from the jdocfilter.jar - index.html, jdocfilter.html, jdocfilter-about.html
  2. Copy these 3 files to the javadoc_dir (notice that index.html is overwriting the existing index.html file, so make a backup)
  3. Edit index.html - change the <TITLE> to match the desired Javadoc title
Created by Ran Kornfeld.
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